Monday 19 September 2011

Realiti Kehidupan yang Manis

Masa bercinta semuanya MANIS...
bila dah kahwin bertambah MANIS...
dah dapat anak kenangan MANIS...
bila dah tua yang tinggal hanyalah...

i know med student jokes aren't funny
dats y kat skolah dulu mmg xkan dpt jd class clown .....

Saturday 17 September 2011

Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass



Prince Charming

owh well in conclusion,
there are so many girls, and so few princes.
Prince charming or knight in shining armor doesn't exist anymore
unless he's ...... chuck bass he3

Vincent Van Gogh

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.

Marche --- aus lamb chop & ribeye .... yummy

I've always love to eat lamb chop
but i noticed that i love anything that has to do with lamb's meat

what is wrong with me ????

lambs r cute furry creature
i hav a picture of myself back when i was little feeding a bottle of milk to this baby lamb i love animals ---

but i guess the love was not enough to turn me vegan

i salute those of you who r vegan ( go natalie portman)

btw lamb's meat or other red meat is really bad for your health
it predispose u to atherosclerosis n hypertension
i learn all this in med skool but didn't apply it in my life